Allegory of the Robin (True Story, ya'll...)

Near the beginning of May, a robin began frequenting our back porch light. She was nesting, despite our many ins and outs! Fascinated, we watched her bring countless twigs, only to have them fall to the ground. I waited for her to select a different location, but she was persistent. She labored ALL day, for 3 FULL DAYS. Wow. She was so determined. I couldn't resist - I bent a wire hanger around the porch light to add some extra structure for her. Within 3 hours, she built a complete nest! We've watched her sit on her eggs, then with delight, we noticed 4 tiny beaks springing up for food. Those little birds grow quickly!! We can hear their tiny chirps when we walk outside, and mama robin goes about her business without minding us. Then today. The rest of the family was occupied, and I took Dash outside one more time before church. He stopped following me, and when I looked back, I noticed something in his mouth. It was one of the robin babies - it had fallen from the nest and w...