Allegory of the Robin (True Story, ya'll...)

Near the beginning of May, a robin began frequenting our back porch light. She was nesting, despite our many ins and outs! Fascinated, we watched her bring countless twigs, only to have them fall to the ground. I waited for her to select a different location, but she was persistent. She labored ALL day, for 3 FULL DAYS. Wow.

She was so determined. I couldn't resist - I bent a wire hanger around the porch light to add some extra structure for her. Within 3 hours, she built a complete nest! We've watched her sit on her eggs, then with delight, we noticed 4 tiny beaks springing up for food. Those little birds grow quickly!! We can hear their tiny chirps when we walk outside, and mama robin goes about her business without minding us. 

Then today. The rest of the family was occupied, and I took Dash outside one more time before church. He stopped following me, and when I looked back, I noticed something in his mouth. It was one of the robin babies - it had fallen from the nest and was lying still on our pavement. After prying it from the puppy's mouth and putting Dash back inside, I grabbed a trash bag and went back out. 

I'm sure it was the fall/heat that killed the chick, but the cause didn't really matter. What mattered is that she was there - mama robin, perched on her nest, looking right at me. I wished desperately that she would fly away. I tried to shoo her... but she stayed. She watched. Waited quietly for what had to be done.

I sobbed. And sobbed. And picked that small dead body from the ground. 

The day of Hyrum's diagnosis, my most searingly painful thought was, "I have to watch him die... I have to watch him die." There is nowhere to run, no way to hide, no way around that fact. Because a boy needs his mother. In life, and certainly in death. The blood I birthed him with was oath enough that I would suffer with him everything he suffered, walk with him wherever he would walk. His steps are to the grave now, on terrain so strange and new. The brightest lights and darkest storms. So lonely. So well-loved. Whatever this new landscape brings, I walk beside my boy.

A month ago, this robin seemed God-sent for my young boys. Animals. Eggs. Observation. Now, in my unprecedented hour, that persistent mother robin becomes an unlikely companion for me. Would it be easier to ask for the miracle of a normal life? Yes. But all of us have known from that first day that it wasn't meant to be. Instead, the miracle we need is the one I'm watching through my window. Keep flying. Keep feeding. Keep building up the home. Day, after day, after day. 

It's just what mothers do.


  1. Bro. C here, I read all your posts religiously (and they all inspire and touch me), but this one was so poignant and tender and beautiful. You have a divine gift for writing, and this unexpected life twist is providing a foil for that gift to shine. Thank you for sharing this with us (I never told you, but I shared your story with one of my classes, you would have been so touched at their empathetic and concerned responses).

  2. Wow! Beautiful description of “mother.” Thank you for sharing.

  3. Wonderful experience and example for life.

  4. Such a sweet and beautiful way to express your feelings, and allow us to share those feelings with you.

  5. What a sweet heart felt blog. Your blogs make me cry but are also uplifting. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I love your whole family.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. I have no words to explain how moved and inspired I am by your experience you generously share with us.
    May you and your family will receive peace in your heart always.

  7. No puedo dejar de llorar!! Los amo familia Mace y es un privilegio enorme conocerles!! Amor y gratitud eterna desde Coquimbo!

  8. Words are not my gift but they truly are yours and I’m so grateful that you share them. So much love my dear!

  9. You truly are an amazing writer and you are so centered, and grounded and reflective during a time when many slip into a distracted, zombie haze. You are the robin, and you will watch. It is difficult, but you will focus. Later you will be grateful you were present and that you were not distractedly flapping around somewhere. Much later.

  10. I cried and cried all morning after reading your post. Thanks for sharing your tender moments and reminding us all how precious life is every day. We pray for your family every day.

  11. Knowledge, of things that will come, that you have no control of, can make or break a person. I dearly love that we have similar goals, in being present, in mind and soul, for those we love. The ladies send their love.


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