Holiday Happenings & Address Request

Hello, my dear people! Our primarily selfish purpose for this blog post is to request your addresses for Christmas cards. If you'd like to receive one, please enter your information here! I wish we were capable of sending personalized thank you cards to all of you who have lifted us in so many different ways, but this generic mailing will have to do. 

As for our lil family update, we are amazed at the growth and healing we continue to experience. At this time last year, I was lying awake every night with Caleb, talking about death. Now, it's only 2-3 nights each week that we speak our sadness, missing Hyrum and wondering how long it'll be until we see him again. Hyrum memories are his favorite bedtime stories, and most nights he goes to bed happily, dreaming about race cars and rhinos. He loves school, riding his bike, and playing Go Fish. He's growing into a lot of older-brother tenderness, and genuinely enjoys playing with Emily. 

Emily is still the type to tenderly stroke my face and then promptly try to poke out my eyes lolllll She turned 3. We have a good routine while Caleb's away, but she still asks me multiple times a day "Please we pick up Caleb?" She is genuinely hilarious, self-motivated, and deeply protective of the people she loves. Michael bikes to Caleb's school each afternoon with Emily strapped to his back, her arms flapping like wings, her squeals reaching the sky. 

Michael ministers constantly at church, on our street, and at home. He's greatly improved my cycling and pickleball skills, and he recently introduced Caleb to Mark Rober YouTube videos lol The big Michael news is that in 2024, he'll be a student again! He's enrolled at Kansas State for the Personal Financial Planning master's program. Michael is a budget-loving man, and he'll small talk about it with anyone that will listen. He has programmed multiple personalized budgets for us in Excel because "it's fun", and at church he's had lots of inspiring opportunities to coach local families with their finances. Lifting the load of others through financial strategy lights him up. Hopefully his upcoming homework will do the same?

For me, it's still the usual mix of cooking, playing, scripture study, running, etc. I get to teach and hang out with the teenagers at church, and I LOVE that. And though I've been very absent here on the blog, I'm writing regularly as I compile Hyrum's story (before my memory fails me lol). There are scattered days that are deeply sad, and then an extra sprinkle of small, sad moments. Every few weeks, the high-functioning parts of me step back to make space for the parts of me that still need healing. On those slow days, I remember: "This is part of being whole". Needing rest after the wrestles, needing space after the show. 

God's still here for it. And it looks like you are too. Thank you- we are more blessed than we can say.


  1. Love hearing about you and your family! Good luck, Michael!! Good for you!! As far as a Christmas card goes, save a stamp and email it to me! <3 <3 I'm good with that!
    Love, Sue Hart

  2. It’s wonderful to see you’re doing well and making progress in your lives. We appreciated your reaching out when Celeste’s mother passed away in September. It’s so much better to be a married couple living in the same home now. Travel is in our near future. We’ve visited family in Florida and soon will travel will to Europe to visit more family. You can follow along on Fb. I’ll PM our info to you and would enjoy an email Christmas card. We love the Mace family dearly.
    Phil and Celeste

  3. I send my love to all of you. Enjoy Christmas! Because of Christ all will be made right! Remember all the good times especially. Aunt Nancy

  4. My Ex boyfriend who left me came back ,.

    (He is now madly in love with me),

    (He vowed never to breakup with me again)..

    You can Make your Ex love you again..

    Thank you! Dr_mack(@ yahoo. com)


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