Holiday Happenings & Address Request

Hello, my dear people! Our primarily selfish purpose for this blog post is to request your addresses for Christmas cards. If you'd like to receive one, please enter your information here! I wish we were capable of sending personalized thank you cards to all of you who have lifted us in so many different ways, but this generic mailing will have to do. As for our lil family update, we are amazed at the growth and healing we continue to experience. At this time last year, I was lying awake every night with Caleb, talking about death. Now, it's only 2-3 nights each week that we speak our sadness, missing Hyrum and wondering how long it'll be until we see him again. Hyrum memories are his favorite bedtime stories, and most nights he goes to bed happily, dreaming about race cars and rhinos. He loves school, riding his bike, and playing Go Fish. He's growing into a lot of older-brother tenderness, and genuinely enjoys playing with Emily. Emily is still the type to tenderly ...