Revving Up

I feel so much love for all you friends- you've really lifted us this year. It's been three weeks since Hyrum died, and I know many are wondering how we/the kids are doing. Others have asked how to best talk with us or support us going forward. Let's see if I can address those topics concisely?

If you ask me "How are you?" in person, you'll probably hear me say, "You know... we're okay." And I mean that. Often, I'll add "It's all the things!" By which I mean that in these weeks we've experienced a very fluid blend of relief, peace, exhaustion, pain, sadness, anger, joy, and so much more. Emily still asks where Hyrum is, and she talks to him in her dreams. Caleb is sorting through countless mixed memories of Hyrum- their goofy knock-knock jokes, times when Hyrum pushed him away, and Hyrum's sudden disappearance from our physical life. We process with him in scattered 3-minute conversations, with the occasional and unexpected cry. 

Michael, as literally the strongest and most energetic person I know, is revving his engines for real life again. He and I took a quick trip this week- one day in Arches National Park, one day driving our small car back to OK, and one day prepping the house/flying back to UT. That day in our house, he was the most alive I've seen him in a while. We are so ready to go back home. We do have one more stop before then- a quick trip to Disneyland. As crazy as I initially thought that idea was, we're very intentionally stretching our "fun muscles" after a year of stress and sadness. 

This year has felt SO big to me. The things we did, the things we saw, the things we saw God do... It's almost more than I can bear, and still there's even more. The influence of Hyrum, of our travel, of this blog... It didn't stop now that he's dead. That's good! But also... wow. I've wondered if I'm capable of keeping up this life. The traumas of him dying are right there, beneath my skin. I'll still have school and shopping, chores and chalk and movie nights. At any random moment, I may halt and hurt and cry. Last week I sobbed at sausages... the kind that Hyrum once could chew, then only chopped up small, then later hold between his lips. That last month, I'd let him taste them on his tongue, then scoop the pieces out before he choked. I hate those memories.

I guess I'm never safe from pain. Then again, I never was. Slowly, it is sinking in: I cannot let my pain prevent my progress or my authenticity. I can't just rush away from it, (be busy, empty, "fine") nor can I wait for feelings to subside to live again. I will listen for the rhythm of the feelings of the day, then dance my plans accordingly. I CAN live life that way. 

Truthfully, I am a little nervous. A life lived with that much honesty, humility, determination, and emotional wit... What could that kind of life DO? Where might it take me? What else might I see? It shimmers with inviting possibility, but I'm still pretty exhausted from a year in the cosmic boxing ring. For now, I'll keep my nose down and plan dinners, do some laundry, soak in our quiet life, and try to use well this gift of knowledge that our pain has given me- be there for other people the way that all of you have been there for me.

On that note, here are some generic questions if you just want to check in/express love:

  • Have you had any stand-out moments recently- joyful or sad?
  • How have you felt Hyrum present in your life recently?
  • Remember this moment/day/event? Just thinking about you.
  • What is something you're thinking about a lot right now?
  • What is something cool you've studied or learned recently?
  • Have you had any recent coping moments that you're proud of?

Other general tips/requests:

  • Catch us up on your life. I've been out of touch and sometimes I'm embarrassed to ask lol
  • Ask the things you really want to know and say the things you really want to say. My experience this year is VAST and complex, literally impossible to access completely or in isolation. I NEED you to bring your little chunk and talk about it with me so that I can access that little chunk of mine.
  • Just keep being present. I still need people around more than I usually do. Texts, emails, invitations to things, etc. I need the social healing. 
  • Hold off (for a little longer) on any big expectations from us, but PLEASE let us contribute and help again. We want to listen to YOU. We want to help with YOUR big thing. We want to feel like we can help and give again. 


  1. You are my hero! I think of you often and the anguish life has put you through. I am so impressed at your ability to move forward. Sending lots of love to you and your sweet family💗

  2. We love you 💜. My sister's baby passeda while ago. She didn't think life would feel normal again. She still has grief, but the grief looks a lot more like life now.

  3. Eres una mujer admirable Erika, abrazos y besos para todos ustedes desde Chile, te recordamos siempre Familia Raiqueo 🥰🎈😘

  4. I send my love and hugs! I am here when you need to talk or just sit quietly. I can’t wait for you to be back home. Love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  5. Hugs to you and Michael and your little family. You are all loved so much. ❤️

  6. Wow!!! All the real life thoughts, feelings and emotions. You strengthen me daily. Thank you for sharing your journey and family with all of us. Continued prayers.

  7. Sending you love from Canada. Take things at your own pace, remember to breathe, and just keep breathing.

  8. Today in church my husband talked about your amazing strength. You showed us how it is possible to overcome hard times when we yoke to the Lord. We would love to have you here with us in Verona for "stretching to more good time"! We are in debt with taught us a lot...

  9. Love you and yours! I really do. Amazing how love works. You will continue to be in our prayers.

  10. Always glad to hear from you guys, and moved once again by your post. ❤️

  11. Thanks for your update. I have been wondering how you are all doing. You are still in our prayers that you will have peace and be able to move forward as you remember your Hyrum. We love you and think of you often.

    1. ❤️Athelia “Theo” Graham

  12. I am awed and amazed at your gift for sharing and expressing and processing so much ❤️ Thank you for blessing my life with yours and your family’s lives.

    1. ❤️Athelia “Theo” Graham (sorry I posted on the wrong comment and couldn’t erase it lol 😂)

  13. Sad we missed the funeral, peace to you!


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