Just a Good Ole Update
Nothing profound this time! Just an overall person by person update. Emily. She's currently potty training herself. (Absolutely a blessing because I do not have the 3 day juice/movie/underwear marathon in me right now...) Still says "Rawr!!" very loudly at any given opportunity. Clomps around in sparkly shoes and rainbow Crocs. Climbs everything and often solicits "Should she be doing that?" from strangers. Loves to hide from me. Laughs at her own cleverness constantly. Sometimes stops being mischievous to tenderly stroke my face and ask me "Okay?" Caleb. This boy LIVES in costumes and his brain is SO full. Last week I was about to give him his preventative inhaler (we do it twice daily) and I asked him if he had any questions before we started. His response was something like, "Well... Can monkeys really run? What does a rhino baby eat? Do eagles live everywhere on the earth? How much water is in that lake? How to baby turtles know when to hatc...