CA Week 1

This afternoon, Caleb and Emily and I made the 1 hour drive to the beach. I almost didn’t go, but somehow we found ourselves driving up a mountain through the Redwood forest, winding between vineyards and pastures, and eventually back down again to golden grass meadows and a magically misty coast line. I have two things to say.


  1. Good job, me. Way to pack snacks and grab jackets and just get in the dirty van to go do something! Who’s to say I can’t indulge my inner adventure mom even if that’s slightly beyond my library-trip norm? I LOVE the beach. Whenever capable, I’ve gotta keep doing the good life things even if the feeling isn’t initially there. Just gotta do it.
  2. The EARTH. Have you SEEN that thing?! How do I have the privilege of even living on this planet?! Holy California moly. I punched the address and then followed my car navigation route blindly, until suddenly I was in the mountains when I wanted to go to the beach?! A quick stop to the side of the road confirmed that we were, indeed, supposed to be on La Honda highway. We kept driving, flying between sun and shade and right and left and up and down. One turn, we actually crossed through some kind of mythic portal, because the 5:00 sun was totally swallowed by this prehistoric forest where the cars were driving with lights on and the undergrowth looked like it could eat me. Nature is wild.

As for our other California adventures, Emily is now sleeping in a bed (whaaaaaat?!) and Caleb continues making friends everywhere he goes. Hyrum has slowly begun speaking again and is off all his medications. He laughs and pulls himself up in bed and really wants to start eating real food again. Recovery, regardless of its exact trajectory, is a sweet thing to see. 


  1. You and Michael are amazing parents ❤️

  2. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  3. So glad for a happy day for you. I love the mountains. They recharge me.

  4. So happy things are working in your favor. Love Teresa

  5. For me, the beach is a place of beauty and peace. What a restorative action we all love you! 💖


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