A Robin Christmas Gift??
Today is Christmas!! It's been a beautiful week leading up to today, and the actual 25th was no exception. Here is an excerpt from tonight's journal entry: "I’m trying to give some time to the emotions I was feeling this afternoon. And just process the weekend and all that occurred. Here’s the first thing I have words for: this afternoon was far from our first occasion to open gifts. Days ago, we exchanged with the Oldroyds. Had Caleb’s birthday with the Maces. Received several thoughtful gifts from friends. Today, we opened morning gifts from Santa. And then, this afternoon, we pulled out two LARGE boxes that were generously shipped to us from another DIPG family/charitable organization. The kids opened gift after gift, squealing and bouncing, itching to play, itching to unwrap one more. The quantity and quality of gifts was astounding. My Santa planning has never been so extensive or on-brand- just ask Emily and her 5 new Bluey toys (which she is THRILLED about.) But the...